Sir William Herschel

Sir John Herschel (Son of Sir William Herschel)

George Sanders
George Sanders (July 3, 1906 – April 25, 1972) was an English actor best known for his silky, upper-crust English accent in British and American films.
Sanders was born in Saint Petersburg, Russia, of British parents. In 1917, when he was eleven, the family returned to Britain on the outbreak of the Russian Revolution and, like his brother, he attended Brighton College, a boys' independent school in Brighton. After graduation he worked at an advertising agency. It was there that the company secretary, an aspiring actress named Greer Garson, suggested a career in acting. His elder brother, Tom Conway was also a film actor, to whom Sanders later handed over the role of 'The Falcon'.
He made his British film debut in 1934 and after a series of British films made his American debut in 1936 with a role in Lloyd's of London. His British accent and sensibilities, combined with his suave, snobbish and somewhat menacing air were utilised in American films during the next decade. He played memorable supporting roles in prestige productions such as Rebecca, in which he goaded the sinister Judith Anderson as Mrs Danvers, in her persecution of Joan Fontaine and he played leading roles in lesser pictures such as Rage in Heaven. During this time he was also the lead in both The Falcon and The Saint film series. He played Lord Henry Wotton in a film version of The Picture of Dorian Gray. In 1947 he co-starred with Gene Tierney and Rex Harrison in the classic The Ghost and Mrs. Muir.
In 1950 he gave his most widely recognised performance and achieved his greatest success as the acid-tongued, manipulative, cold-blooded theatre critic Addison DeWitt in All About Eve, winning an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for this role.
His marriage from 1940 to 1949 to Susan Larson ended in divorce. From 1949 until 1954, he was married to the Hungarian actress Zsa Zsa Gabor. Sanders was married to actress Benita Hume from 1959 until her death in 1967. His last wife was Magda Gabor, his second wife's sister; the marriage lasted a year.
It was during this period that he completed his autobiography, Memoirs of a Professional Cad; though now out of print, it is still celebrated for its wit.
For many years Sanders lived in Spain and it was in Castelldefels (a coastal town near Barcelona, Catalonia) that he committed suicide with an overdose of barbiturates, leaving behind a suicide note that attributed his action to boredom. His friend David Niven recorded in his autobiography that Sanders had predicted his own suicide many years earlier. The note read: "Dear World, I am leaving because I am bored. I feel I have lived long enough. I am leaving you with your worries in this sweet cesspool. Good luck." One of Sanders's final screen roles was in the 1972 feature film version of the popular television series Doomwatch.

Family resemblance - Comparing George Sanders and Sir John Herschel (Son of Sir William Herschel)

The implication is that Sir William Herschel later reincarnated as the actor George Sanders.
This, like all of my readings, was a great surprise!
One of the interesting things about dowsing is that you never know what you are going to end up with - any input from the dowser mucks things up and no clear answer is obtained.
The facial comparisons are not overly important.
Information was channeled by means of a pendulum and a specific past life match was made.
That was all that happened.
I know from experience that dowsers can get identical data and matches independently.
Dowsing done by the experienced is not tainted by any subjectivity.
Whether the data has practical use or significance is for the individual to consider.
For Example:
What Became of the Tsar?
#1 12-22-2005, 06:33 AM
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 245
What became of the Tsar?
O.K. Another challenge. The fellow in the middle at the back is the future Tsar Nicholas II of Russia. The young lady to his left (in white) is one of his sisters, Xenia.
They reincarnated, married and became a very famous couple.
Many people like to talk about their psychic gifts, but when asked to target and retrieve specific information e.g. from the Akashic Records the results are very disappointing.
The idea is to do it psychically, without thinking. The logical thought processes simply cannot figure these things out.
No good saying I think .... or it could be .... Get in there, retrieve the information and get out quick.
Can you solve my little puzzle?

#2 12-22-2005, 03:09 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: L
Posts: 886
Is it Brian Wilson and his ex wife Marilyn? I'm guessing. Could it be Brad Pitt?
Love, Sheryl
There is nowhere my soul ends and your soul begins.
#3 12-22-2005, 04:39 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 245
Getting Clear Answers
The idea is to use any psychic technique of your choice to get a clear and specific answer to a riddle that cannot be worked out by logical deduction. It is a test of psychic ability to retrieve specific information. There is only one answer and it must come in a clear and definite form - visual, audio or otherwise.
The wonderful thing about using a past life reading as a test of psychic ability is the remarkable fact that if a reading isn't completely and breathtakingly bizarre and incomprehensible in the extreme you can bet it's not correct. Many bogus books have appeared in print with incorrect past life information that has obviously come from the minds of people using their brains in a very limited, linear and narrow way. For example Liz Taylor being Cleopatra in a past life would not be correct because it's just too logical - Life just doesn't work like that! We are fortunate that the Akashic Records do exist and do provide real information that can be checked with complete objectivity.
Some people might be disturbed by the fact that they cannot do this simple task and get a clear answer to my puzzle. Many mighty egos have stumbled at the very first step in psychic development circles. I can assure you that anyone can be trained to receive accurate and reliable data on any topic and it is indeed a miraculous thing that supports the idea that we really are everything and know everything because we are God.
Last edited by brianstalin : 12-22-2005 at 05:28 PM.
#4 12-22-2005, 05:30 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: L
Posts: 886
Sometimes I have a psychic moment when something pops up, but I can't make it happen. Just like out of body travel. When it happens, it happens. I can only guess at this. Perhaps, we're not meant to access everything. We just know certain things. Maybe somebody will be able to get it for you.
I'd like to know, too. I've always been interested in that era. I know I'm God, but I've lost some things I need to feel my true power. Also, I'm full of clutter. I need to do more soul searching to clear myself out, but I'm very lazy lately and I don't know how important it is right now. We all have missions, and I guess this is yours. Do you have any ideas? Let
me know what you’re thinking.
Love, Sheryl
Last edited by redsummerose : 12-22-2005 at 05:41 PM.
#5 12-22-2005, 05:38 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 245
Popping Up
You can be trained to get some psychic information flowing within 3 seconds. It may provide a framework to build upon, but you must get something within this time period - before the linear, logical mind tries in vain to grapple with the impossible task. If a name or very specific information is requested it may pop up within an hour or two or maybe a day or too if there is a blockage (and there often is if you have any emotional issues in your life you haven't gotten around to confronting and dealing with yet - In the psychic development circles I have attended you get whisked off to a Reiki healing table if you cannot provide the information to any given psychic task in an accurate and timely fashion.
The reason for the blockage is discovered and removed by a Reiki master and helpers).
There are many methods of divination to choose from at the beginning - Tarot Cards, crystal balls and pendulums. These can be discarded later as they are really just there to build and boost your confidence.
Last edited by brianstalin : 12-22-2005 at 05:58 PM.
#6 12-22-2005, 05:44 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: L
Posts: 886
Do you have any ideas on Brian Wilson?
#7 12-22-2005, 06:02 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 245
Brian Wilson
I immediately got India and shortly afterwards a picture of a prince indicating a recent lifetime as an Indian prince, but that's the Brian Wilson connected to the Beach Boys is that who you meant? Then the word Balakirev came out of nowhere - maybe that's the Russian connection you picked up.

#8 12-22-2005, 06:42 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: L
Posts: 886
I don't know,
I've just been thinking of Brian Wilson lately, I guess. He has an album out and sometimes I hear the songs. The Indian Prince and also Balakirev are probably right. Love, Sheryl
#9 12-22-2005, 08:07 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 1,059
Hey, maybe it is just the mood I'm in but my first thought was George and Laura Bush...
guess I was way off...except for the Tzar thing....
#10 12-23-2005, 01:39 AM
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 245
Those Crazy Russians
Yes you MUST be psychic!

#11 12-23-2005, 01:54 AM brianstalin
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 245
Peter III Senior
Karl Friedrich was the father of Tsar Peter III. So, what about Tsar Nicholas II - where or who is he now?

#12 12-23-2005, 11:33 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: D
Posts: 1,248
With what I know about Tsar Nicholas, this is not suprising at all.
OK Brianstalin,
Just where do we find Rasputin in this revelation?
Love, Michael, The Valkyrie
#13 12-24-2005, 12:19 AM
Senior Member Join Date: Mar 2005
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Posts: 655
Grand Duchess Xenia died in 1960, so obviously she would have to be someone young in this life time between 30-40 years old.
There is something about her protruding lips and facial structures. I am drawing a blank on who she might be.
#14 12-24-2005, 03:43 AM
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 245
Rasputin and Xenia
I sent an e-mail once to Uri Geller criticizing his incorrect past-life endorsements and this was in relation to Rasputin and Edgar Cayce. Mr. Geller has many psychic abilities, but does not have any skill in seeing past lives. Even the great Madame Blavatsky was a complete amateur at the past life stuff. This is, of course, understandable because Mr. Geller and Madame Blavatsky have or had much better things to do with their time. I sent an e-mail to Rasputin's present incarnation too, but that's another story. Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut was Rasputin's brother in a previous incarnation during the fifteenth century. She was buried alive and carried that memory with her into her last incarnation.
No revelations here! This is a D.I.Y. job. You can either complete the task I have set or not - give it a whirl you might get a pleasant surprise at how simple it is - the less effort you apply - the easier it is to do.
As for Xenia and Nicholas - use your pendulum Stacy and let it guide you to the correct answer. Xenia reincarnated in April 1974.
Last edited by brianstalin : 12-24-2005 at 06:08 AM.
#15 12-24-2005, 07:04 AM
Senior Member Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: G
Posts: 655
I did ask my pendulum earlier if it was a famous American couple and I got a "no". I did wonder if it might be David and Victoria Beckham, but I didn't bother to look at their pictures to get a "feeling". I just stopped right there.
So I decided to take a look after getting a nudge from you, brianstalin.
As soon as I looked at David's picture and Nicholas's, I got goose bumps!
That was a good sign, so I asked the pendulum if those two, David & Victoria, were the reincarnation of Nicholas II and Xenia. I kept getting repeated "yes" to be double and triple sure.
Take a look at the comparison below.

#16 12-24-2005, 07:38 AM
Senior Member Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: G
Posts: 655
If you take a piece of paper and cover the top half of Victoria's and Xenia's pictures, you'll notice they both have the same lower facial structure.
What do you think? Victoria was born in April 1974

#17 12-24-2005, 08:07 AM
Senior Member Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: G
Posts: 655
Face over
I was playing around with layering the picture on top of each other. It's fun to do! The results are quite remarkable! Take a look below:

#18 12-24-2005, 04:46 PM
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Posts: 245
#18 12-24-2005, 04:46 PM brianstalin
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 245
Great!!!! - someone actually did it. That it should be Stacy above all others is no surprise to me. My faith in humanity is somewhat restored. A lot of people have strange ideas about reincarnation. They sometimes have very fixed ideas about who they were in past lives and they have similar fixed ideas about people with whom they feel they have a special attachment too. It has to be said that their theories often aren't very far out (there's rarely smoke without fire). They tend to identify with someone from their soul group (we tend to incarnate in groups) - however, as in all things, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I have upset a few people in my time when having to put them straight about past life information. Some were pleased with the new information and were willing to drop their old ideas, especially after they learned they had actually been much more interesting people in their past lives than they had assumed. Others blocked their ears up and refused to listen.
This experiment was to show that past life information is readily available and can be checked VERY EASILY by anyone. This should be a warning to anyone who tries to give out false information about reincarnation or any other subject for that matter. Any information past, present, future, inter-galactic or inter-dimensional can be verified or
dismissed BY ANYONE in a jiffy.
Keeping the Russian theme I have attached a photo of Michael Ostrog - a Jack the Ripper suspect. He was a petty thief and known as the mad Russian doctor. He is someone we all know today.

Whether George Sanders had really been Sir William Herschel or whether reincarnation is a real phenomenon is another matter entirely that cannot be fully understood or proven at this time.
I know from personal experience that dowsing is just the first step of many that involves communicating with the realms of our superconsciousness.
Channeling can become a way of life. The information received is not just random nonsense, although it can become twisted, distorted and misinterpreted.
Channeling has already changed history-the voices that led Hitler to believe in his divine destiny as the savior of Germany reveals that channeling can have a negative side. St Joan was executed because of her voices.
Many famous people such as Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison were known to have practised various forms of meditation. When the mind is still and quiet we can have access to large amounts of data. Past life knowledge is said to reside within the Akashic Records.
I'm sorry if my readings are not convincing.
They are simply a very gentle nudge and a very gentle invitation to seek objective methods of exploring the possibility of past lives and a lot more besides.
Those who doubt my findings might wish to explore the pendulum for themselves before passing judgment.
Past life readings by brianstalin
Most of the biographical data relating to famous living, dead or reincarnated persons was either copied directly from articles found at Wikipedia or slightly modified. It therefore remains free under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL).
Past life readings were supplied by trained expert Brianstalin who has studied with various gifted healers and teachers including the Dalai Lama.
Brianstalin reminds us that although the Akashic Records remains the ultimate source of all knowledge, we must access this source directly in order to determine the truth of what he or anybody is telling us.
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